If there is a problem with your order, please contact me within five business days of receiving the yarn by emailing me directly at fluffandnonsenseyarn@gmail.com.
Customer satisfaction is very important to me, and I can refund the cost of the item(s) you have ordered if they are returned in their original condition. Original Condition means they must still be in their skeins with their labels intact. I am unable to refund the shipping costs, meaning you must pay for return shipping.
Fluff and Nonsense yarns are all hand-dyed. This means colour variations do occur both within skeins and also between skeins in the same dye lot – even within the same pan. I make every effort to obtain accurate photographs to help you decide on your yarn choices. Please be aware that differences in screen settings will mean that what I have photographed will probably look slightly different in person. To avoid this causing issues, I recommend turning up the brightness, and turning off any blue light protection on your computer or phone screens for the most accurate images.
If you anticipate that you will require a lot of yarn in a particular colourway, please contact me directly to discuss custom dye lots. Where possible, the yarn you order will be from the same dye lot to maintain consistency.
If you change your mind and don’t like your yarn, please let me know within 5 business days of receiving your order, by contacting me at fluffandnonsenseyarn@gmail.com. I will be happy to coordinate with you to organise a refund and return of the item to me.
If a skein is faulty – I will happily refund or replace the skein if you contact me within 5 business days of receiving your order. Please know that some lighter/darker areas in your skein are normal and are not considered to be faults – these are hand dyed skeins and variation across the skeins is a natural consequence of the dyeing process.
If you place an order and I have not yet packed it, I will happily give you a full refund. If I have already shipped it, I will refund you minus the cost of shipping, as I will request the return of the item in its original condition.
By using this website, you indicate you have agreed to the terms and conditions